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segunda-feira, 3 de janeiro de 2011

Oliver in Brasil

This first one is going to be for my american friends and family,I felt like the Storyas of rio should be directed for you guys since you are not here.:(

I'm in love with Rio all over again...

The last couple of times i came down to RIO, i felt like, i love my family i miss my friends but Oh Boy! I miss tri cities. I thought coming down with Oliver for the first time that feeling was going to be even bigger, but as soon as i got my sleep back from the 24 hour fligh with my jet lagged baby boy who did awesome on both flights, i realized how much you change when you're a mamma. Oliver is the center of attention 24/7 over here..he is the one and only subject, nothing makes me more proud than going on strolls to the mall and streets with baby olly, he loves the noises, the people( who do not think twice before touching and hugging), the lights and the brazilian heat that is everywhere, and i of course melt a little in every compliment.

For the ones who don't know, Oliver engaged in a 3 times a week physical therapy session here in Rio. He is almost 1 year old and is not crawling or walking yet so our doctor in washington told us it would be a good idea and i just jumped on it. He is making gigantic progress already and his sessions might be the main reason  i'm extending our trip, I love his physical therapist Natasha, she is so patient and lovely. Oliver had many improvements and just like we predicted he will probably skip crawling  and go straight to walking ( wich right now is all he wants to do with our help).

Needless to say, I´m having a very deserved vacation, beeing a full time mom/housewife is no joke! Coming back to rio and the comfortable way of living is definitly all i needed! Oliver got a very cool nanny, Iracilda was my sister's nanny when she was a little baby and she is all i could ask for; caring and strict (thank god!). He still has his routine but it just changed a little; now he takes 3 baths everyday ( is so hot down here!), eats a whole load of crazy soup creations made with veggies and meat and fat,  he probably gained at least 5 pounds here. He goes for a stroll on the beach twice a day and only takes 1 nap in the morning,my wishlist this year: Iracilda in tri!

It really is awesome to see your baby beeing in such a loving surround, We're just having the time of our life.

Um comentário:

  1. toda vez que ele vai passear na rua, nao tem ninguem que nao fale que ele eh lindo! o bebe mais fofo e lindo, um pao de queijo mesmo!

    beoijoss: tia pa
