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sexta-feira, 25 de fevereiro de 2011

Hermana`s b-day!

Hoje e o aniversario de 2 pessoas muitoo importantes para mim, minha tia queridissima do coracao LU e minha linda e amada irma Paula, queria muito poder me teletransportar para estar com elas no dia de hoje, para elas eu  desejo o que ha de melhor nesse mundo.

Para minha querida Hermana!

Tia Pa, eu tava fazendo uma limpa na minha gaveta e achei um cartao que voce me deu de aniversario a 3 anos atras que eu AMO! E u sempre me debulho quando leio, e hoje nao a nada que eu queira dizer que chegue perto do que ja esta escrito...entao aqui vai!

"There is no better friend than a sister.  And there is no better sister than you."

quinta-feira, 24 de fevereiro de 2011

Happy Birthday!

Amei meu b-day esse ano!

Meu aniversario foi na segunda dia 21, mas como eu nao suporto segundas, decidi comemorar no fim de semana mesmo..Acordei no sabado com um maravilhoso breakfast in bed, Mike foi super fofo tinha flor e tudo, ele preparou blueberry pancakes e um latte fresquinho..Muy Bien!

Quando deu umas 2 horas me mandei para o shopping para fazer a unha ( que em 48 horas ja estava toda arrebentada) eu odeio chinese manicure! As 5:30 os fofos dos pais do Mike nos levaram para jantar com a familia, foi um maximo! Fomoz em um restaurante que eu nao conhecia aqui, Cedars, fica em uma ilha e tem um P** vista! Depois do dinner fomoz curtir um vinho + live reggae no Roxy`s wine bar! Curti mtmtmt!!! e o melhor presente de todos?? - Dia seguinte SEM ressaca! Foi um milagre muito bem vindo! Pena que logo depois cai numa gripe insuportavel, eu nao lembro a ultima vez que fiquei gripada, to curtindo essa congestion com muito tylenol severe cold, eu estou com os dedos cruzados para que eu acorde amanha novinha em folha...we`ll see...

Feliz da vida que hoje ja e quinta - feira, o meu final de semana provavelmente vai envolver muitosss filmes, meia, meu bear blanket e lemon tea...Muita saudades do calor do Rio!

sexta-feira, 18 de fevereiro de 2011

sexta - feira .

Acordei cheia de gas para o dia, logo pela manha fui ao shopping com Oliver, entramos em praticamente todas as lojas, passamos pelo menos uma hora na barnes and nobles, logico que quando sentei para tomar um starbucks, ele comecou a berrar e chorar, eu fiquei tao envergonhada que nem olhei para os lados mas total senti aquele olho ts ts ts dos leitores ao redor...sai correndo...
Almocamos com papi num restaurante mexicano maravilhoso ( meu favorito em tri cities), e depois voltei para casa, para que Olly pudesse tirar uma soneca.

Quando Mike chegou do trabalho fui fazer compras do mes no costco, estamos equipados por pelo menos 2 meses, comprei umas 8 garrafas de vinho (yummy!), guess quem vai tomar um Lady in Red agora assistindo maratona Kourtney and Kim take new york??? buenas!

quarta-feira, 16 de fevereiro de 2011

Agora chegamos...

Essa semana foi bem corrida, finalmente achamos uma fisioterapia que nos agradou, a fisioterapeuta e uma fofa e ela super que entendeu o problema do meu little! Ele comeca na proxima quarta-feira - Super feliz :)!

Ontem eu passei a tarde inteira arrumando meu closet, demorou umas 5 horas, 3 sacos de lixo e muitas lagrimas para me desfazer do meu 17 anos guarda roupa, quem me conhece, sabe que eu nao jogo nada fora, pelo o contrario,eu guardo tudo, principalmente roupa, eu nao me desfaco de nehuma, eu tenho blusa de 10 anos atras, literalmente, eu sei que e um problemas, but oh well..
Ontem, como eu estava super de "bom humor",gracas ao meu inferno astral que ta me testando seriamente,resolvi jogar tudo fora, dei tudo para goodwill, e apesar de saber que eu vou sentir falta, estou in love com o tamanho do meu closet!

Super animada!

27 dia 21 de fevereiro, vou comemorar dia 19 no sabado em um wine bar, encomendei uns cupcakes que vao ficar lindos, vou postar fotos depois para voces verem!

segunda-feira, 14 de fevereiro de 2011

Happy Valentine`s Day !

Today is a day full of love, it really is all around, everything deserves a touch of love today.

"And now here is my secret, a very simple secret; it is only with the heart that one can see rightly, what is essential is invisible to the eye."

Antoine de Saint-Exupery

sexta-feira, 11 de fevereiro de 2011

Volta ao lar.

Bom gente, eu sei que eu ando meio ausente, mas realmente fica muito dificil achar um tempinho sobrando para escrever aqui. Estamos em casa, e chegamos super bem, gracas a Deus que me protegeu,e me acalmou durante todo o voo, parecia que eu tinha tomado umas 5 tacas de vinho...Juro!
So teve um ps na imigracao, que eu tava tao zureta que esqueci a data do meu casamento...O agente que que ja nao era boa cara, ficou meio desconfiado, HELLO! Olha meu filho aqui honey! Bom o Oliver comecou a chorar tanto que ele deixou agente ir sem salinha, ufa!

Eu tinha me esquecido como e pesado ser mommy e dona de casa, me desacostumei do ritmo, e so na quinta-feira que as coisas ficaram mais normais para mim e Oliver, entramos na rotina novamente, bom, adicionamos um cafe da manha diario com o mike antes de sair para trabalhar, Oliver no Rio amava tomar cafe com o meu pai, eu e mike nunca fomoz de sentar na mesa para cafe da manha, mas como o pequeno gostou tanto, estamos levantando super cedo para podermos curtir juntos essa refeicao tao Yummy do dia!

Depois de muita procura, enfim, achamos a creche perfeita para o Oliver, ela e um pouquinho longe, mas vale super a pena, limpinha, criancas arrumadinhas, professoras de avental, eu achei tudo lindo, admito que eu estava ficando um pouco assustada com as entrevistas que tinhamos ido, era cada lugar....

Depois de ter colocado tudo em seu lugar, de ter colocado Oliver para durmir, tive um encontro muito especial com o meu dvr, tentei ficar acordada para assistir todos os capitulos de The real housewifes of beverly hills que por sinal ta bombando, mas nao deu, to morta e meu olho depois da 9 comeca a revirar, eu prometo que vou tentar escrever mais essa semana!!! Saudades!

segunda-feira, 31 de janeiro de 2011

Little Heroes!

Today Oliver had a very special play date.
Clara, is my cute little cousin that was born @ 33 weeks as well. She is now 7 months and she is such a smart baby girl! They had so much fun together :)

It was so crazy for me to be on the other side this time. When Oliver was little he was always the fragile one, the baby that you can`t be loud around or you have to hold on a certain way. This time we were dealing not only with a younger baby but also with a girl and I had to contain the boy that he has become, screaming and hugging and touching. At the same time that I was happy to see how big he is, I felt a little sad that he wasn`t my snuggling baby anymore, one thing for sure, holding such a precious girl gave me some baby girl fever!

Oliver and Clara were born pretty much with the same weight (3 pounds 12 ounces), they both did awesome in the NICU (Baby intensive care) and got to leave early, they went through what only a small portion of babies do, and once the bad part was over they showed us how BIG is the will to live every second, how patience really is a virtude and how blessed we really are for having those little heroes in our lifes! :)

sábado, 29 de janeiro de 2011

Baby day out!

Oliver had such a fun day!

Friend's b-day party, his cute little friend Tiago turned 2 and had such a cute birthday!
I loved seeing how much he enjoys playing with other kids, he made tons of friends and all he wanted to do is give his buddys a  big hug! He ate some french fries and hot dogs! yummy!

sábado, 22 de janeiro de 2011

One fine day...( I do like this song)

Last night me and my sister went to wach The Tourist, i really liked it, it's one of those action/ comedy movies, Johnny Depp once again makes us fall in LOVE with his character, no matter if he is a pirate, a freak robot, a major drug dealer or even a demon barber, he just always finds a way...The Tourist is tottaly worth waching, but yeah you can wait for the dvd to come out.

Beach today was SO NICE, it was one of those caribbean style days, the sea was like a swiming pool, i didn't even rented a chair just stayed in the water the whole time! Joined Fernanda and Bel for a beer @ Azul marinho, its a bar in front of the beach, when oliver got up from his nap came home to play with him, too bad all he wanted to do it's to go out and about, so he went for a stroll with Iracilda, and i took a very nice nap, on a full power A.C. I'm pretty burned right now, but it was worth it!

sexta-feira, 21 de janeiro de 2011

Fashion Rio - Best day!

My awesome friend Bia gave me such a cool opportunity last weekend.

Working @ Rio Fashion Week! WOW!

 Like any Pisces I love anything that has to do with creation or imagination, anything that makes my brain fly I lOVE! Fashion really makes me feel that way and I always try to keep up. Even being a full time Mama that is fully devoted to her son, I do take my little break in the afternoon for some popfashion or some Vogue/Elle reading, it makes me happy. J

Bia works for Nica Kessler and she is now the junior designer of the brand.

The 2011 Fall/winter collection is based on the movie Mary Poppins and my sassy girl IT brought a very smart way of incorporating the old with the new. With some awesome fabric choices she indeed got all of us backstage flying really high!

Once again JOY for Nica and Bia!

The first look on the runway gave me the Heebie Jeebies. MUST HAVE THAT RAINCOAT!

I also love this one, the shade of mustard yellow is rocking my world.

segunda-feira, 17 de janeiro de 2011

Happy Monday!

I know monday`s are hard, but here is the cuttest little laugh to cheer up the begginig of your week!



sábado, 15 de janeiro de 2011

Hope for Rio.

What happend to the mountain side of Rio this wednesday was brutal, it's a tragedy that killed lots of family and broke our hearts. Me and my family are trying to do our best for the ones that are hopeless right now, we are sending milk, diapers and water. I undestand that my friends in u.s can't do much from over there, but if you believe in positive thinking please send your prayers to the ones that lost everything they had, in a time like this, love and kindness are all it matters.
Thank you.

terça-feira, 11 de janeiro de 2011

Oliver misses hid dada!

It's soo sad to see how Oliver understands that mike is not around...We skyped today, and he got so mad when i hung up, he looked at me and started crying, like he was letting me know that he wants to have his dad close to him, I tear'd up...

We miss you mike!!

BBB 11.

Primeiras impreções desse BBB que btw, eu vou fazer questão de acompanhar na!

Na minha opinião ,esses brothers tão mais para o reality "Globo acha uma estrela", do que qualquer outra coisa, ja faz algumas temporadas que eu não asssisto o BBB ,mas o que eu mais gostava era que os participantes não tinham nada haver um com outro, tinha do velhinho ao cowboy, pelo que eu vi ali, era tudo a mesma coisa. Vamos ver no que é que dá....

Realmente essa pegadinha do malandro com a Michelly (?) foi de um pessimo gosto...coitada da menina!

sábado, 8 de janeiro de 2011

Girly Day

                                                              Young days...

Wow i didn't noticed till my friend Flavia pointed out, but yestarday we had a super girl stuff day,
I don't  have one of those for years now..,I had so much fun!

It hurts like a mother f***!!

I had an appt at my gynecologist today to put my mirena on, i asked Flavia to come with me for support wich she did !!   distracting  me on the cab making all kinds of conversation. I was already freaked out because my doctor had told me, it was going to hurt a whole lot, but because it was a quick thing, i decided not to have the anesthesia...( Never again).
Well, it did hurt way more than a whole lot, it hurt like there was no tomorow, Flavia said she is going to take her birth control pill till she dies. I screamed and freaked her out really bad. But now is done and i am soooo glad i don't have to worry about birth control for 10 years. Perfect!

We went for coffee @ leblon mall afterwards, checked out some stores and just walked around with no problems in our mind, when i lived here that was one of my fave things to do...and i was glad for doing it again, the only different thing it was my 10 phone calls to check if olly was okay!

After that we had our nails and hair done,  i really really miss Rio manicure, its a completly different experience, the first time i did my mani in usa i thought i got robbed, but than just realized that is not the same thing.

Oliver's night out- passed out in aunt Maura's bed!

Yummy dinner last night, to resume our girly day, we went to dinner at aunt Maura's house, all girls too,Oliver was the only boy, what a stud! she made us basil, cherry tomatos and buffalo muzarella risoto, it was delish! Oliver played around for a bit than collapsed (with bia's help) in her bed, we stayed there till 2:30, than it was my turn to collapse.Got a cab with baby Olly fully awake than when i got home i layed him down on his playpin and he went back to sleep, I'm such a lucky mamma! He is such a good boy!

Love,Love,Love Friday!

quinta-feira, 6 de janeiro de 2011

Missing my hubby...

Today Mike said bye bye to his vacation in Rio...

We had a pretty relaxing day, took Oliver to his phisical therapy and than had luch @ Zuca...Can`t get tired of this restaurant so yummy! We went to the airport and Mike broke my heart when said goodbye to Oliver (I know it`s only 2 weeks, but it is so hard do be a part of such a good partner like my hubby!).

For the rest of my vacation there is only 1 thing i want to do:

Oliver is doing better every day, he is going to miss his dada in the morning, but soon we will be all together @ home.

terça-feira, 4 de janeiro de 2011

Beer and milk news

Astor with some pretty awesome people!

Last night we decided to go to Astor for the first time. I really enjoyed it, and what was suppose to be a drink with apps turned out to be a night out for us...
We got there around 7:30 ish and only left like 2:30, It is crazy how time goes fast when you have good gossip on the table and xtra creamy chopps(beer)!

Mike got pretty drunk and made friends with half of the bar, first with the irish: Patrick, collin and shaun, then with some australian chicks, He got fired up about some subjects first with the usual Bush, Obama and Amazon thing than by the end of the night him and flavia wore arguing about genetics math...crazy..of course that was the celebry discussion about the NFL "world" champions term that btw we still don't agree on ..Thats when i changed to Guaraná....

We ate some carpaccio salad and pasteis..I didn't have any drinks but the apple martini and lichia caipivodka looked pretty awesome!
It was Hot and rainy, the streets were pretty much a steam room, and I was happy when we got home. I had a little panic attack when Oliver started crying because of the noise dada made - T.V. speakers full on with some terrible porn on ( I do hate when hbo does that) when i went there to shush him he turns to me crosseyed: - I'm trying to wach the game. I wanted to kill him for waking olly up, but i just started laughing- poor guy, what a mess! lol!

Bye bye Enfamil, I will not miss you!

Today I started the day with a task that I was procrastinating for as long as i could.
Because I'm pretty terrified of having a screaming baby and no formula, i brought with me 24 cans of enfamil wich is Oliver's milk since the day he was born.
Like any other first time mama to be, my plans were to breastfeed my baby for as long as I could, but because nothing is in our hands, oliver's plans wore different. For the ones who dont know Olly was born @ 33 weeks, he weighed 3 pounds and had to stay in the nicu for almost 3 weeks getting bigger to come home. The wole time all I wanted was my baby in his cute little room that mamma, dad and friends put so much work into. For that to happen feeding was the most important thing, If he didn´t finish his ounce we would be so scared - oh no, he is going to lose weight, he wont be home for x-mas etc, i would pump my milk so the nurses could feed him when i wasnt able to be there. Because of that he got used to a bottle and when i would try to breast feed he would get too tired trying and would fall asleep, then he would pretty much skip a meal. NO! worst nightmare! So we decided to stop trying and just skip to have a strong baby that could come home earlier then planned..and he did! Thanks to enfamil! I was happy and not even for a second do I regreat my decision! Oliver is a strong baby just like any other, he loved his milk and momma is not gonna need a boob job, Nice!
He drank his last can yestarday, and we are done, so i researched and we found out that Ninho milk (powder milk for baby and kids) is a good way to start the introduction to milk, so we started today and he loved it! Thats it, Oliver is done with formula forever! Since we got here, he only would drink like 2 bottles a day, morning and night, so it wasn't such a big deal for him, but for us..Hell yeah! We are going to save so much money and trips to wall mart or wallgreens. We are extremely happy and so is Oliver, his new milk truely is delicious! Bonus: Smells waaaay better than his formula!

Love yah and miss you guys! wish u could be here!

segunda-feira, 3 de janeiro de 2011

Oliver in Brasil

This first one is going to be for my american friends and family,I felt like the Storyas of rio should be directed for you guys since you are not here.:(

I'm in love with Rio all over again...

The last couple of times i came down to RIO, i felt like, i love my family i miss my friends but Oh Boy! I miss tri cities. I thought coming down with Oliver for the first time that feeling was going to be even bigger, but as soon as i got my sleep back from the 24 hour fligh with my jet lagged baby boy who did awesome on both flights, i realized how much you change when you're a mamma. Oliver is the center of attention 24/7 over here..he is the one and only subject, nothing makes me more proud than going on strolls to the mall and streets with baby olly, he loves the noises, the people( who do not think twice before touching and hugging), the lights and the brazilian heat that is everywhere, and i of course melt a little in every compliment.

For the ones who don't know, Oliver engaged in a 3 times a week physical therapy session here in Rio. He is almost 1 year old and is not crawling or walking yet so our doctor in washington told us it would be a good idea and i just jumped on it. He is making gigantic progress already and his sessions might be the main reason  i'm extending our trip, I love his physical therapist Natasha, she is so patient and lovely. Oliver had many improvements and just like we predicted he will probably skip crawling  and go straight to walking ( wich right now is all he wants to do with our help).

Needless to say, I´m having a very deserved vacation, beeing a full time mom/housewife is no joke! Coming back to rio and the comfortable way of living is definitly all i needed! Oliver got a very cool nanny, Iracilda was my sister's nanny when she was a little baby and she is all i could ask for; caring and strict (thank god!). He still has his routine but it just changed a little; now he takes 3 baths everyday ( is so hot down here!), eats a whole load of crazy soup creations made with veggies and meat and fat,  he probably gained at least 5 pounds here. He goes for a stroll on the beach twice a day and only takes 1 nap in the morning,my wishlist this year: Iracilda in tri!

It really is awesome to see your baby beeing in such a loving surround, We're just having the time of our life.